About me
Hi! My name is Brad Hartman, I’m a photographer who specializes in landscape photography and graphic design. In my work, I strive to capture images that convey the light, vibrant colors, and sense of awe that I feel when I’m surrounded by nature.
I studied art and design in college and have a bachelor’s degree in Studio Art from the University of Tennessee at Chattanooga. My photography journey began in college when I learned how to shoot on 35mm & 120 film, developed the negatives in the darkroom, and learned the physical and analog processes that really helped me develop a better appreciation for the craft. I still try to incorporate some film in my personal work, though the majority of it is now digital.
I spend most of my time here in East Tennessee but I enjoy traveling and exploring new places, meeting new people, and checking out the local cafes & breweries. On any given weekend you can find me out hiking a trail to capture a sunrise, reading a good book, or maybe even taking my road bike out for a spin along the riverfront.
Let’s work together!
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